Popeye the cutie!
Meet Popeye! He’s almost a year old and a French Bulldog and English Bulldog. He was surrendered to RFB and is looking for his forever home. He was just neutered and we are working on a existing skin allergy. He’s in great health and has one of the sweetest personalities. Loves to go on car rides and play outside In the grass. He did grow up with his sibling and does great with other dogs. He has one of the kindest hearts and wants to be loved and have a family of his own! Very silly and playful, but also relaxed doesn’t jump around not too hyper! A true gentle sweet boy! His adoption donation is $1500.00. Covers all of Popeyes surgery expenses and our organization needs. This also goes to helping more puppies/ adult French Bulldogs in need.
For the foster families' safety and health of the dog, we do not disclose specific locations. We don't set up meet and greets prior to inquires for sanitary purposes. FaceTime and Skype is available. Once the new family is chosen, we will guide you through a step by step process to bring your new baby home. All animals at RFB are surrendered anonymously, health checked by certified veterinarian before final step of our re-family process. Contact us today!
I am lost without my Manny! A 17 year old Chihuahua.He was my best friend. He passed at home in my arms on 11-21-21. My life feels empty without him. I am ready to love again. I would love to adopt a Frenchie! Please contact me asap. I so need to be a mommy again!!!
I would like to be considered to adopt an adult bulldog. Male or female and it can be a senior who needs a comfortable forever home. I have adopted dogs and have volunteered for years with a rescue organization in Georgia. Please tell me how to start the process to give an adult a comfortable and loving home.
I am interested in Popeye if he is still available. I had a pug from China for 15 years and am familiar with short-nose dogs. He would live in an air-conditioned home in a residential area on a dead-end street. We are retired and have the time to spend with him. He would rarely be left alone during the day. We can financially afford quality vet care and quality food.
I am a resident assistant in a dorm and would love to have him as an ESA. He seems like he could bring joy to so many
I would LOVE TO take Popeye home. How do I go about